Best 1CM/CX Cormax Uncombinated Cores



CORMAX is a premier patented key system that protects against unauthorized duplication of keys through 2027.

 Its unique patented key and side pin design ensure the highest level of mechanical security throughout a facility. Plus, because the CORMAX M Series operates on CORMAX and Standard cores, it is an ideal hybrid solution for retrofit projects. Facilities can add CORMAX to the perimeter and other high value openings, while maintaining their existing key system.

BEST cores are an industry standard for a number of reasons:

  • Tight tolerances to provide the highest level of mechanical security and enhance the integrity of the lock
  • 6- and 7-pin options to allow for a hybrid solution and ensure greatest number of key combinations
  • Masterkeyed shear lines allow you to build multi-level access
  • Brass alloy construction that is tough, strong and corrosion-resistant
  • Individually capped chambers for easier maintenance and service
  • BEST-constructed pin segments that help control tolerance and quality
  • Stringent quality control that ensures every part of the core and lock meet our industry-high standards

BEST cores are hardware specific with multiple options.  Please see contact us to configure the devices you need.  (800) 776-3247 |

Don’t see the finish, or function or specific configuration you need? We can design, configure and build the customizations you are looking for – Just call (800) 776-3247 and our experienced support staff will help you design the systems and products you need.