Indoors, outdoors, back and side doors, Detex has the right hardware for life safety and security requirements.

Detex Electric Latch Retraction function is built to last, no matter what the mighty powers of nature throw at it. The Weatherized Electric Latch Retraction (ER EX W) function is designed for entrance and exit doors with panic or fire exit hardware exposed to weather environments where remote unlocking, remote dogging, or access control is desired.

Unlike magnetic locks, Detex outdoor latch retraction stays locked if there’s a power loss. Your people can always push to get out, but no unauthorized outsiders can pull to get in.


  • Works with any type of access control system
  • Provides a means for remote dogging and lockdown
  • Coated for use in weatherized environments
  • Quiet operation – no solenoid
  • Simultaneous latch/pushpad retraction
  • Long term dogging capability
  • Latch retraction device comes standard with request to exit pushpad switch (EX)

We can get your outdoor system set up to meet your exact needs. Call (800) 776-3247 or email today!